
In-depth articles and perspectives from our partners in their chosen fields. You can get a sneak preview of these articles every Friday at 3pm, by joining our dedicated newsletter: Outmatch Outlooks.

How to comunicate about the Olympics without ambush.

Lessons from the Prime Hydration vs. United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee Case.

Distressed M&A: How to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff.

The Basics of Distressed M&A: How to Sell Effectively in Difficult Situations.

What should I do with my company's cash reserves when selling it?

The proper use of cash reserves in a sale transaction.

(World) Runners-up of the loss of chance.

The lessons from the Sakho vs. WADA case.

Value Creation Actions (Episode 2): Behind the Scenes of Funecap's Success Story: 300 Acquisitions in 13 Years!
Value Creation

Value Creation Through External Growth.

Should You Agree to Sell Your Business Through Seller Financing?

The Benefits of Seller Financing.

The art of amicable negotiation.

Insights from the Case of the Century: Infinity Ward vs. Activision.

Earn-Out: A Strategically Advantageous Tool for Your M&A Transactions.

Earn-Out Mitigates the Risk of Buyer-Seller Negotiation Stalemates.

UBS - Credit Suisse: The Art of Successfully Managing a High-Risk Acquisition

The Importance of a Thorough Risk Assessment.

Specialization or Diversification: How to Find the Right Growth Strategy for Your Business?

Specialization or diversification?

Investment Funds: Identifying and Valuing New Assets Within Your Holdings.
Value Creation

Legal Assets: New Opportunities for Value Creation.

Value Creation Initiatives (Episode 1): Retail with the Steak & Shake Case Study.
Value Creation

How to Successfully Execute a Turnaround Strategy.

SMEs, ETIs, how to analyze your market and establish your competitive advantages to perform?

Where we discuss key success factors, blue ocean strategy, VRIST method, etc.

About proportional civil liability.

Belgian joke or new paradigm?

How to finance a legal dispute?
Value Creation

Outmatch becomes broker in litigation funding.

Mastering the art of building up.

The key steps of a winning strategy.

The Digital Markets Act, a European antitrust revolution?

"Apple has made more changes in 10 days thanks to the DMA than in ten years of antitrust policy." T.B.

5 methods to valorize the intangible assets held by your company.
Value Creation

Enhance the intangible assets of your company.

How to succeed in negotiations during the sale of your company?

A brief handbook on M&A negotiations.

How to assess the value of a startup in case of eviction?

Description of the limitations of traditional evaluation methods and presentation of specific approaches.

Our Methodology for Detecting Management Frauds in Investments.
Value Creation

The Risk-Pressure-Opportunity-Rationalization Model.

Key Moments in the Business Sale Process.

How to Best Manage the Sale of a Business.

How to win a bad trial? Episode II.

The egg or the chicken?

Value Creation Model in Football
Value Creation

Introduction to Multi-Club Ownership (MCO).

Industrialists, how do you navigate Egalim III?

In case of a deadlock on the endorsement from your independent third party.

Optimizing the value of your company during the sale.

Key tips to implement.

How to win a bad trial?

Guilty but not responsible; or the neutralization of a damages claim through criticism of the quantificationdu chiffrage.

The yield of a chicken coop far exceeds that of Bitcoin!
Value Creation

Discover how chickens have outmatched cryptocurrency.

What is the best timing to sell my company?

Timing Considerations for Selling a Business.

What does a quantification of damages and interests stand for ?

Damages, Interests, and Compensations.

Guided by value.
Value Creation

Introduction to our M&A Value Creation department.

Strategist for your merger and acquisition operations.

Introduction to our M&A Department.

What is private expertise in litigation support ?

Presentation of the private expertise assignments carried out by our Disputes department.

To Grow

Our vision of strategy is based on three key concepts: strategic depth, tactical control and concentration of forces.