Strategist for your merger and acquisition operations.

We support our clients, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (PME) and intermediate-sized enterprises (ETI), looking to undertake transactions valued between €5 million and €50 million. We assist in various capital operations such as sales, acquisitions, multi-year acquisition programs (build-up strategy), mergers, capital increases, or reorganization.

Unlike some competitors, we don’t see ourselves as mere executors but as financial and strategic experts whose mission is to optimize the value generated in the operation, surpassing our clients’ expectations. To achieve this, we employ a unique approach in the market, collaborating with the most suitable strategic or financial partners.

Additionally, we have expertise in debt to advise clients on raising new debt or restructuring existing debts, ensuring the best available financing in the market for our clients’ investment projects.

Our Approach.

We are financiers.

Our associates, trained in international investment banks and audit firms, have expertise in conducting financial due diligence, mainly for investment funds.


We are strategists.

Recognizing the market values differences, our mission in M&A operations is to highlight the current and future uniqueness of our clients. This blend of resources and skills is skillfully showcased through our methods, tools, processes, and extensive network, enabling us to reveal these competitive advantages to key players in our clients’ value chain.


We are entrepreneurs.

Our team operates within a deeply entrepreneurial culture, benefiting from a structure that encourages informed risk-taking, brimming with creativity, and deploying unmatched energy to successfully carry out M&A processes entrusted by our clients.


Our Different Accompaniments.


For sales operations, OutMatch offers methods to highlight clients’ singularities and implement an auction process to increase the proposed valuation and find the right partner.

  1. Preparation Phase: We assist sellers in meticulous preparation of the company’s sales documentation to present (i) our client’s market, (ii) its history, organization, uniqueness, and (iii) historical and future financial figures.
  2. Value Chain Analysis: Using our tools and network, we analyze counterparts to mobilize for the sales operation, depending on the process strategy selected by our client.
  3. Auction Process Management: OutMatch delicately orchestrates negotiations to reveal the full potential of the entrusted asset until the operation’s closing.



Build up.

For external growth operations or “build-up,” OutMatch plays a central role in identifying, attracting, and closing identified assets to consolidate clients’ presence in the market through suitable financing.


Capital increase.

OutMatch, through its methods, highlights the future potential of entrusted assets (Management, market, EBITDA generation quality, 5-year strategic value creation plan) and assists clients in presenting their projects to selected investors to ensure the success of the operation.

For all our services, our team offers customized support, creativity, full availability, and smooth communication to ensure the success of these complex operations.


In a nutshell:

Our primary commitment lies in continuously creating value for our clients. Each conversation is an opportunity for us to understand their ambitions and collaborate on developing the best organic or M&A growth strategies, shaping the levers of their future performance.

We are not just an investment bank; we position ourselves as engaged and creative partners to guarantee exceptional performance for our clients.

We look forward to learning more about your challenges in detail.


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