Contentieux Antitrust et Actions de groupe

Our Actions

  • We brought together more than 2400 taxi companies in a collective action against Uber (with a stake of over 450 million euros in damages).
  • This unprecedented approach in France is based on both a thorough investigation into Uber’s international financial and non-financial communication and an assessment of the damage caused by unfair competition through lucrative fault (allowed by a very recent jurisprudence).
  • This pioneering action, both in substance and form, reflects our common commitment to boldness and agility in the cases we handle.
Arnaud Cluzel
“The keys to victory? A detailed analysis of the vulnerabilities of the opponent, research and investigative skills, comprehensive strategic thinking, a work revised twenty times, a proven argumentative structure, a perfect technical mastery of the case, a strong sense of pedagogy, a high capacity for improvisation, and a quick wit."

Associated services

Antitrust Litigation

quantifying damages linked to anti-competitive practices.

Class Actions

Interventions in collective and class actions, mainly on competition issues in the digital sector.