Bandit Paris / Neftys Pharma

M&A - Integration

Our Actions

  • We assisted the management of Bandit Paris and its shareholders (Founders Future, BAs) in the integration of the company into Neftys Pharma (co-owned by the investment funds UI Investissement and GENEO). Bandit Paris has developed a leading luxury brand of accessories for pets.
  • Its strategic positioning in the market convinced the investment funds UI Investissement and GENEO, Neftys Pharma, and even Founders Future, who remains a shareholder in the company after the operation.
Maxime Nicolas
"I have a deep love of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. I draw inspiration from my discussions with the managers we work with. I always seek to understand their issues, to "lift the hood" of their company to bring a global view and concrete solutions."

Associated services

Assisting our customers - SMEs and ETIs - with their affiliation projects.